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Our museum has a fascinating story...

The story of how the Fort Winnebago Indian Agency House was rescued and restored in the midst of the Great Depression is a fascinating one in and of itself. The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Wisconsin (NSCDA-WI) was instrumental in preserving the historic site, opening it as a museum in 1932, and overseeing its operation and care for 93 years. In the fall of 2024, the historic site transitioned to the care of an independent 501(c)3 organization: The Historic Indian Agency House Association, Inc. We owe a huge debt of gratitude for the Colonial Dames' hard work and diligent stewardship of our historic site for nearly a century! 

The 2021 Historic Preservation Edition of Juliette Kinzie's book, Wau-Bun: The "Early Day" in the Northwest, contains an addendum detailing the story of how our museum came to be.  Please read it with our compliments! Wau-Bun is available in our gift shop and through various online retailers.

*The Historic Indian Agency House Association, Inc., 501(c)3

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In Gratitude to the NSCDA-WI

November 2024 newsletter article

Honoring 93 years of dedication to stewarding this irreplaceable historic site...and bidding a fond farewell.

The National Society of the  Colonial Dames of America  in the State of Wisconsin was established in 1896 to actively promote our national heritage through historic preservation, patriotic service, and educational projects.  Its membership was limited to direct descendants of colonists who lived in America and rendered public service to the colonies prior to July 5, 1776. The Wisconsin chapter has been a powerhouse of service over its 128 years of existence,  making a real and lasting impact — particularly when it committed to rescuing and restoring the Agency House during the Great Depression. These women poured themselves into this endeavor, opening the home as a museum in 1932 and overseeing its operation up to the present day.  Theirs is a fascinating story with a noteworthy legacy. 

With declining membership and decreasing capacity of the older generation to actively serve in leadership, the difficult decision was made to disband and plan for the independent* future of the museum. Our site does, however, retain an informal partnership with the national Dames umbrella organization through its Great American Treasures initiative.

As the NSCDA-WI fades off the scene, their top priority has been to ensure that the results of their near-century of steadfast care of our historic site reverberates into the future. We are deeply grateful for the foresight and dedication of multiple generations of the NSCDA-WI!

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Great American Treasures Initiative

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The Historic Indian Agency House is part of an NSCDA-affiliated national museum alliance consisting of 75+ historical properties known as Great American Treasures. These sites offer an inside look at the big picture of America's past. Peruse our museum's GAT page and learn about many other fascinating historic sites which trace America's early history.

Museum History

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